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“Karla Kongsgaard Hundredårsjubilæum”

Denne DeDios unika billede kaldt “Karla Kongsgaard Hundredårsjubilæum” er en del af en serie dedikeret til vore kære tante Karla fra min hustrus side. En utrolig livsglæde kvinde som altid mødt os med en stor smil og en mængde af energi som smittet og gav til enhver familie komsammen en festligt humør og tilstedeværelse.  Karla nåede at blive næsten 103 år gammel. Vi kommer til at savne hende, men samtidig hendes karismatisk humør leve viderer i vores mange minder sammen med hende.

Fotograferet i 2020.

Farvepallet: Gule, orange og poptpurri af lilla, turquis, grønne. Et værk fyld med 100 års livsglade.

Curateret i forbindelse til KunstPakhuset 2022 curateringsarbejde i Ikast.

Original formatter: 20x50 cm



I Danmark sender Dronningen lykønskninger til borgere, der fylder 100, 105 og 110 år. Lykønskninger sendes til danske statsborgere, der er bosiddende i Danmark. Kabinetssekretariatet indhenter selv de fornødne oplysninger, og særskilt besked fra familie med videre er derfor ikke nødvendig.

Pris pr. fotoværk:

Pris for en certificeret kopi format 40x50: 2.500 kr

Pris for en certificeret kopi format 50x70:  3.500 kr

Pris for en certificeret kopi format 70x100: 4.500 kr


Andre formatter samt indramning kan bestilling efter aftale med Juan DeDios - Skriv til eller ring: 26274788.


-- EN --


"Karla Kongsgaard Centenary"

This DeDio's unique picture called "Karla Kongsgaard Centenary" is part of a series dedicated to our dear Aunt Karla from my wife's side. An incredible joy of life woman who always greeted us with a big smile and an amount of energy that was contagious.

Her personality gave every family gathering a festive mood and presence. Karla lived to be one week before her 103 years birthday.

We will miss her, but at the same time her charismatic mood, continues living on in our many memories together with her.

Photographed in 2020.

Original Format 20x50cm

Color palette: Yellow, orange and poptpurri of purple, turquoise, green. A work filled with 100 years of joie de vivre.

Curated in connection with KunstPakhuset 2022 curatorial work in Ikast.



In Denmark, the Queen sends congratulations to citizens turning 100, 105 and 110 years old. Congratulations are sent to Danish citizens residing in Denmark. The cabinet secretariat obtains the necessary information itself, and separate notification from family etc. is therefore not necessary.

Price per photo work:

Price for a certified copy format 40x50: DKK 2,500

Price for a certified copy format 50x70: DKK 3,500

Price for a certified copy format 70x100: DKK 4,500


Other formats and framing can be ordered by agreement with Juan DeDios - Write to or call: 26274788.

“Karla Kongsgaard Centenary” series

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    Thanks for submitting! You will hear from JUAN DE DIOS as soon as possible. You are always welcome to write to or call to

    +45 26 27 47 88.




    8981 SPENTRUP


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    VISDA DANMARK COPYRIGHTS 2012-2025 © Copyright - All pictures and text shown on this site are under European Copy Rights Law Protection represented by the Danish Association for Professional Photographers and The Copy Rights Danish Insitute COPYDAN - BILLEDEKUNST DJFotograferne - Board of Directors Member 2015-2023™©
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    Credits pressefotos: Thanks many times for the  shared press photos to: Ole Jørgensen, Herning. Foto from Randers Amts Avis: Richard Sylvestersen and Annelene Petersen. Portrait: Anders M. Teibel.

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